How do we measure the greenness of technology?
In a lot of cases, the greenness of the technology is equated to the direct carbon emissions resulting from the technology or product’s manufacturing. However, when we start...
Why are EV batteries so expensive?
One of the reasons why EV batteries are expensive is because of the rarity of the elements that go into it. Lithium ion batteries (LIBs) that are the first choice for EV applications are made up of...
How to predict the thermal behaviour of batteries?
Thermal modeling of batteries is about predicting the temperature of batteries at different points in its geometry as a function of time. As such, predicting the exact amount of heat...
How does heat and temperature affect battery life?
Temperature and heating have a big impact on battery life and safety. Thus, it stands to reason that thermal behavior and stability is a very important parameter when it comes to...
How much impact does energy density have on range?
Lighter batteries will give more range and better energy efficiency. Right? To correctly answer the question, we need to look at how much of a benefit higher energy density provides...
What causes Li-ion battery fires?
How does a battery catch fire? What constitutes a battery fire and what makes it so dangerous and different from others? Let’s start at the very basics: What is fire? If I were asked to define it, I would say that a fire is a...
How to prevent battery fires?
As I mentioned previously, the various potential starters for LIB fires only provide the spark for the fire to begin. However, LIB fires sustain themselves because they are the source of both the fuel and the oxidant...
What is the future of batteries?
Will the focus be on more energy density? Will we look at life and safety as the top priority? Or will we look at fast charging that could give the present petrol/diesel vehicles a run for their money when it comes to refueling experience?
EV fires over the past month
Multiple incidents of electric scooters catching fire have been reported and have caused concerns about the upcoming Indian EV sector. I intended to write about these, but had to put my thoughts on this in order before I attempted to analyze this topic.
EV fires over the past month
To add to the previous blog on battery fires, a few more thoughts on the recent spate of fire incidents in EVs, mainly provoked by some of the conversations I have had over the past week.
Will battery swapping work out? An oft repeated question that I hear from people: Why can’t we have battery swapping and charging on the same vehicle? The answer to this question starts at the answer to Who owns the battery?
What is Lithium plating?
Lithium plating is the boogeyman of batteries. Few truly know why it occurs, fewer still can predict when it occurs, but speak about battery failures and safety incidents and the first thing to get the blame...
How to prevent lithium plating?
In the previous blog, we looked at the why’s, the how’s and the when’s of lithium plating in a conceptual manner. We also looked at the various conditions and causes of lithium plating. In this one, let us take a technical deep dive...
Thoughts on cell testing protocols
A couple of weeks ago, in the comments section of a post on LinkedIn, I came across a question about cell testing and how it varies from academia to industry; about why cell testing in academia differs from that in industry.
More to come...